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RM (Namjoon) released the song 'Bicycle' as a gift for ARMY's on June 7th, a day between BTS' 8th Anniversary Festa. The song talks about the feelings he feels while riding a bicycle.

Namjoon also wrote a letter along with the song lyrics on their blog. The letter provides depth to the message of this song. The translation for the letter is provided at the end of the lyrics.


두 발을 구르며¹
볼 수 없는 그댈 마주해
언제나처럼 날
맞아주는 몇 센치의 떨림²

While rolling it with my feet¹
I face you who I can't see
Just as always
Trembling of a few centimetres welcomes me²

I wanna keep the bass down low
벌써 내 마음은 주말 mode
I don't see no open cars, no open bars
나쁘지 않아 온전히 혼자인 road
섬처럼 떠있는 사람들의 마음
어쩌면 오지 않을 듯한 밤
지평선을 걸어가 또 굴러가
우리가 정한 저 소실점으로

I wanna keep the bass down low
My mind is already in weekend mode
I don't see no open cars, no open bars
It's not bad, the totally lone road
The hearts of people floating like an island
A night that feels like it might not come
Walking and rolling by the horizon
Towards the vanishing point we've fixed

슬프면³ 자전거를 타자
바람을 두 발 아래 두자
오 자전거를 타자
두 팔을 자유로이 벌리며

When you're sad³, let's ride a bicycle
Let's put the wind beneath our feet
Oh, let's ride a bicycle
While spreading your two arms freely

나 나나나 나나나
나나나 나나나 나나나

Na nanana nanana
nanana nanana nanana

가끔은 굴러가게 둬
자전거 바퀴처럼
찾을 게 있어
오후의 간식처럼
이 작은 순간을 위해 살아온 것 같아
두 바퀴 위에선 다 사사로운 한낮의 꿈
Feel the roof, smell the truth
멀지 않아 기적은
어떤 얼굴을 해도 지금은 괜찮아
진짜 소중한 건 눈에 보이지 않아
땅에서 발을 떼
저 새를 닮은 태
섬처럼 떠있기로 해
바람을 따라 춤춰
Yeah 울어도 돼
원래 행복하면 슬퍼

Sometimes just let it roll
Like the wheels of a bicycle
There's something to look for
Like a snack for the afternoon
It feels like I lived my life so far for this small moment
On the two wheels, the personal dreams of midday
Feel the roof, smell the truth
It's not too far away, a miracle
Whatever face you make, it's okay too
The really precious things are invisible to the eye
Take the feet off the ground
Like that shape that looks like a bird
Let's float like an island
Dance along to the wind
Yeah, it's okay to cry
Usually one feels sad when they're happy

슬프면³ 자전거를 타자
바람을 두 발 아래 두자
오 자전거를 타자
두 팔을 자유로이 벌리며


When you're sad³, let's ride a bicycle
Let's put the wind beneath our feet
Oh, let's ride a bicycle
While spreading your two arms freely

나 나나나 나나나
나나나 나나나 나나나
나나나 나나나

Na nanana nanana
nanana nanana nanana
nanana nanana

나나나 나나나

nanana nanana




1. This lyric is speaking about putting one's feet on the pedal in order to roll the pedals.

2. This "trembling of few centimetres" could be referring to the trembling we feel when first take our feet off the ground and put it on the pedals when starting to ride the bicycle. It takes a few centimetres for us to get stable on the bicycle, hereby the lyric could be referring to that shakiness.

3. Here, the 'you' hasn't been exclusively mentioned. There is no subject specified in the sentence, hereby, it's addressing whoever is listening to the song.


4. A possible reference to the quote: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince).

Here is the translation of the note written by Kim Namjoon:

I've always wanted to write a song about bicycles.

Before I knew it has been 3 years since mono has been released, even I'm exhausted with the preparation for the next series with no promises.
Therefore, with the great excuse(!) of Festa, I decided to make a song about bicycles and release it in the morning (AM)!

At the end of a lot of twists and turns
After riding bicycles from February to March running here and there mindlessly, I could complete the melody and lyrics on Heeyoung (John Eun) hyung's guitar piece.

I actually wrote the lyrics while riding the bicycle.
I hummed it so much that I can't even remember..

I personally met artist Moon Sungsic whom I've admired and requested him for the cover art. I think the artwork came out well according to the artist's drawing style and I really like it.

I want to express my thanks to Heeyoung hyung and artist Moon Sungsic for being together in my immature decision (of making this song)!

My heart always fluttered thinking about riding a bicycle but, whenever I put my two feet on the pedal, my mood grows a little sad. Could it be because there are so many things I long for..
I don't know the reason either.

Maybe it's because I don't have a license and still haven't tried driving a car, I'm not sure. Anyway, to me it's the rare time when I feel the most physically free.

Those blurry sceneries that I couldn't catch back from when I was a trainee and always rode a bicycle, I wanted to show those through a song.

Those sad but exciting,
a little cold but warm feelings.

I hope this song will stay on your playlists for a long time and would become your bicycle song.
I'd be more than happy if you could listen to it and receive this as a small gift.

It's getting better day by day.
Let's ride a bicycle when you're sad!

I'll always do that too.

- Namjoon

Bicycle's letter
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